Our Vision

One of the most beautiful aspects of keeping bees is watching an entire community move in one direction for the betterment of their shared living space. Here at Bees and Thank You, we are focused on creating a conscientious culture where people understand their active role in the environment. As our population continues to grow and our consumer culture becomes dependent on pesticide ridden, genetically modified perishables, our bee population dramatically decreases. It is our hope by establishing these bee sanctuaries we can eventually put an end to honey bee shipping and monocrop culture.


Sister Dorothy StanG

Inspired by Sister Dorothy Stang, Sister of Notre Dame de Namur, Bees and Thank You hopes to make a lasting impression on humanity and the environment. From the teachings and positive actions of Sister Dorothy, Bees And Thank You hopes to motivate and encourage others to take the first step in helping the environment and all pollinators.


Community Action

Bees and Thank You takes the first step in making a difference by implementing a community active plan; one which is focused on engaging and educating as many people as possible. With concrete attainable goals and passionately motivated people, we WILL make a difference.


Our Plan

Through our various fundraising techniques, we hope to raise enough money to open up organic Bee Sanctuaries every 500 miles, across the United States. By opening these Sanctuaries, we hope to combat the need for shipping Honeybees.


Due to our vast network of volunteers and citizens of the world,

the extent of our reach can not be limited.


Our primary focuses include:

  • Educating people about various insecticides, such as neonicotinoids, and their harmful effects on honey bees.

  • Informing people about martyr sister Dorothy Stang S.N.D. and how to support the sisters ongoing efforts to stop deforestation.

  • Making a positive impact on the degrading economic structure.

  • Helping people understand that only they alone have the power to create change.

  • Supporting as many local sustainable business’ as possible.

  • Bees and Thank You is the first link in a long chain of ‘environmental awareness and change.


Our Mission

Our mission is to be more Thankful for Honey Bees and all pollinators. Our primary goals involve spreading a communal attitude and response towards stopping deforestation and the rapid decline of Bees.