Honey Bee Sanctuaries
The problem:
Unfortunately, due to the large demand for honey bees present in our current economic system, we have developed a method of shipping honeybees from state to state to keep up with pollination on the farms.
During this process honeybees are essentially knocked out with a mixture of chemicals and shipped across the country. When they finally arrive at their destination, they are exposed to mono crop farms and exposed to a number of harmful pesticides.
At many of the “successful” mono crop farms, the crop itself is the problem. This is due to the extensive treatment plans necessary to maintain these crops.
One of the primary pesticides being Neonictonide, the effects of which, have already proven to be deadly to honeybees.
Additionally, the honey bees do not have enough access to natural foods, therefore they are supplemented with synthetic foods.
To learn more about this process check out the documentary Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us? And head to the “Helpful Links” section of our website!
Our solution:
To build bee Sanctuaries all across the U.S!
All of our bee sanctuaries will include organic plants and flowers suited to sustain bee health throughout the seasons, which will contribute to a robust and happy bee.
It is our hope, by establishing a criteria and access for bee sanctuaries, we will create a positive impact on the honey bee species and all polinators.
Day #1 Progress on first sanctuary!; New Boston, NH
Day #1 Clearing the area for optimal sunlight!
Building wax foundation frames for the new hive!
All the tools to put the frames together!
Our first inspection!
Bees coming through the inner cover!
Top of the brood box!
Pulling each frame for thorough inspection!
Checking for healthy queen activity!
Bees building new comb!
Healthy resource frame!
Searching for the queen!
@artbycahm our graphic designer, first look at the bees!
Inside look at the brood box!
Filming the inspection process with Wider Aperture!
Replacing the food in the new hive!
Lone bee on the inner cover!
Bees coming in and going out of the entrance excluder!