Most of our honey can NOT be found in stores, and only bought directly from the beekeepers themselves! All of our honey is 100% natural. Honey is only considered natural and unprocessed when it is taken directly from the hive and is strained not filtered.
Every business included in Bees & Thank You Box has demonstrated exceptional sustainable business practices. This means going above and beyond what is “expected” and forming a proactive plan to positively impact the environment.
Our Honey has been carefully selected by Bees & Thank You Box to give your body its best chance at building a strong natural immune system. We have utilized the USDA Hardiness zones and regions to give you the honey you need!
Seasonal Collections
Our subscription consists of 4 unique collections sourced from all sections of New England
Get a box for every season! We ship 4 times a year; giving you the best access to raw quality honey all year long.
Save The Bees
Proceeds from Bees & Thank You Box are used to open Bee Sanctuaries all across New England. It is our goal to open one every 500 miles to help give native pollinators a fighting chance at survival!
Local Honey From Local Bee Keepers
Every honey included in our box is hand selected from local beekeepers. Here at Bees & Thank You Box we do OUR BEST to get YOU the BEST honey!
A Box With A Mission
All pollinators need our help. Included in your box are carefully selected seed packets, which will help you start your very own pollinator garden.
Hardiness Honey
Three jars of 100% Natural honey! By incorporating these hardiness honeys into your diets, you can help boost your natural immune system!
Support Local Business
Every box includes products from unique local sustainable businesses with exceptional business practices.
BATY Gifts
Each box comes with a surprise Bees & Thank You sponsored product. Bee Happy & Bee Thankful!